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SI April Lunch “GOES TO THE DOGS” April 11,2017

Branch News |
The South Interior Branch held it’s lunch on April 11, 2017.  The salmon dinner was very good and this was followed by a presentation by a group called “PADS”.

Pads stands for:  Pacific Assistance Dogs Society.  Their mission statement describes what they do very well.  “PADS breeds, raises, trains and supports certified assistance dogs, partnering them with people living with disabilities, and with community care professionals.”  To see more about this organization go to their website by clicking on this link:

Six dogs and their handlers attended our lunch and they sat a different tables to be able to field questions and let people be close to the dogs.  The spokes person for the group, Brian Smith, did a super presentation and description of the work they do.  This was probably one of the best presentations we have had in years.  It was so well received that one of our members is applying to become a PADS puppy raiser.


Brian Smith with Hugo
Majesta Malcolm with Ravi

4 puppies being admired on the stage.  Front to back:  Prancer, Ravi, Hugo and Dancer.