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Okanagan- 2024 Christmas Luncheon

Branch Events | Okanagan
Don’t miss our annual Christmas Luncheon!

16 members have confirmed that they will attend.  As we need to let the Golf Club know how many people will be attending, please let Mike Brandson know if you will be joining us.

Phone 250-462-8003, or,

We have confirmed the date with the Pentiction Golf and Country Club for Tuesday, December 3, 11:30 to 2:00.

We have had our event at the Pentiction Golf Course for several years, and we enjoy their hospitality. This year we have arranged for a seasonal plated dinner, roast turkey with all the trimmings, dessert and coffee and tea.

The cost will be the same as last year, $20 for members, $40 for non-members, and as always, don’t forget to renew your membership for $10 to take advantage of the member discount. If you know of Hydro retirees who are not members, encourage them to take out a membership and join us for lunch!

Thank you to those of you that have offered to help with our Christmas Luncheon.

Bill, Tim and Skip will be welcoming you at the door, providing door prize tickets, 50/50 and collecting for the luncheon.

Matt has offered to take photos during our event, so bring your smiles!

We continue our support for our community Food Banks.  We will be collecting items to drop off, as well as providing a $100 cheque for each Food Bank in a community that is represented by our members.  As in other years, we will draw a community name to receive the donated items, as well as an additional $100.

Please plan to attend this fun event!

Register with me, as I need to confirm the number of people so the Golf Club can prepare.

Pat and Mike Brandson, Branch chair



December 3, 2024
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
$20 members, $40 non members


Penticton Golf and Country Club
600 Comox Street, Pentiction , BC, V2A2C1
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