April Lunch and Gen Meeting
Our next Pacific Branch General meeting and luncheon is Thursday, April 25, at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club (1284 184 St, Surrey).The entrée will be Parmesan Chicken with salad, and dessert at a cost of $26. The meeting will start at 11:30 and lunch will be served at noon. We encourage members to arrive at least 15 minutes early to sign in and have time to socialize. Please wear your name tag. If you do not have a name tag, Velma will make one up for you.
After our usual business section, we will have a presentation by Ralph Hardy from the organization ‘Seniors helping Seniors’ on sleep. Many older adults find it difficult to get enough sleep and this presentation explores the reasons and remedies. Also, information about lifestyle changes that may help will be provided. We will end with our usual 50/50 draw, free lunch draw plus a special draw.
Please respond to ben.dobranowski@shaw.ca by Wednesday, April 17, to indicate whether you will or will not be attending the meeting and lunch on April 25. To get an accurate count for our caterer please indicate if you will be attending alone or with someone.
If you planned to attend the lunch but find that you need to cancel (life happens), please call me as soon as you can at 604-599-8663 or email ben.dobranowski@shaw.ca. There is a possibility if you cancel too late then you may have to pay for the missed lunch.