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Pacific – September Lunch and General Meeting

Branch Events | Pacific

September Lunch and General Meeting

Our next Pacific Branch General meeting and luncheon is Thursday, September 26, at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club (1284 184 St, Surrey). The entrée will be PIZZA. A variety of pizzas from Vegetarian, Pepperoni, to Hawaiian and treats for dessert, all at a cost of $10. per member.

The reason for PIZZA: Since a sizable number of branch members will be away from September 15 to 22 cruising to Alaska as part of this year’s Provincial Power Pioneers Northern Lights Jamboree, the time needed to contact members, receive replies and then letting the caterer know final meal numbers by Sept 19 (one week before the meeting) cannot be done without some higher intervention (I’m at the Jamboree). So, the branch executive decided on a quick and easy PIZZA lunch. Something daring and novel, but tasty just the same and less expensive!

The meeting will start at 11:30 and lunch will be served at 12:00. We encourage members to arrive at least 15 minutes early to sign in and have time to socialize. Please wear your name tag. If you do not have a name tag, Velma will make one up for you.

 After our usual business section, we will have a presentation by Edwin Palsma – of Raymond James Ltd. Please send in any questions or ideas you would like Edwin to discuss while he is here to

 We will end with our usual 50/50 draw, free lunch draw plus a special draw.

If you plan to attend, please respond directly to me using this link . DO NOT respond by replying to this email since it is not monitored. Please use “September Lunch” in the Subject area.

To get an accurate count to ensure we have enough pizza please indicate if you will be attending alone or with someone.

If you planned to attend the lunch but find that you need to cancel, let me know by September 23rd, phone 604-599-8663 or email

I will be at the Jamboree and won’t be checking my emails until I return from the Jamboree cruise.


September 26, 2024
11:30 am - 2:00 pm


Semiahmoo Fish and Game Club Lodge
1284 - 184th Street, Surrey, BC, V3S 9R9
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