After the potluck, you will meet the new Leadership team of Directors, Patricia Bucy, Bruce Masse and Jim Gahr. Mirjam Jeffrey is our secretary and Lois Earle is our financial person. Lastly is myself Dianne Michaely, Publicist but I will be away on a cruise so will be thinking of you.
We also have committees: Building and Maintenance-Bob Rickard; Caring Crafts-Janet Harms; Care Rep.-Shelly Hornby; History and Archives-Pat Morris; Kitchen-Sharon Bickle; Membership-Al and Diane Seper; Social-Patricia Bucy; Literacy-Brian Jeffrey; Volunteer hrs-Jim Gahr and Lois Earle; Youth Award-Jim Pogson;
We have a vacancy for someone to make Phone calls. If you are interested please let us know.
After the potluck, we will have our General Meeting. Some items to discuss are the 2025 Calendar of Events, St. Patrick’s Day lunch, What charities would you like to donate money to this year?