Once again, 109 Upper Island members and guests enjoyed our lunch at the Tigh-Na-Mara resort. Devin Dukeshire gave a power point presentation on the 2018 storm of the century that occurred on Vancouver Island. Very interesting stats and what went wrong right from the first onset of the storm. Jim Gemmil updated our members on what is occurring around the province with Power Pioneers, especially emphasizing how each local branch gives so much to each of their communities around the province.
Members enjoying catching up on what has been going on in their lives in the last year.
Val Brown and June Koppa
Marilyn Wood, Nancy Douglas
Lois and Ray Anderson
Maxine Anderson
And the winners are:
Vera Conn, Dot Villieneuve, Leslie Klassoff, Tove Gahr and Mirjam Jeffrey
Theresa Hillier, Al Akins, Lois Anderson, Alice Dugdale, Diana Patterson, Gordie Klassoff and kneeling in front, Ted Harms
Francis Farmer won the table centre piece