There were several guests in attendance. From BC Hydro were Mclean Hanna and Patrick Bowers. Also attending were Fred and Rita Wernicke from South Interior Branch, Russ and Mart Haddad and Lindsay Anderson from Salmon Arm. Our special guest was Maureen Lachnit, Provincial President from Vancouver.
Maureen gave us an update from Power Pioneers Provincial. We presented Maureen with a couple of handmade gifts courtesy of Pat Haddad.
Everyone received a Christmas gift to enjoy before Christmas. Thanks to Sandi, Marilyn, Maclean and Patrick for looking after the gifts.
Branch President Rod thanked many people for the work they do for Power Pioneers:
- Gordon Peach, Marlene Krebs, Marilyn Brown and Arlene Fish, for their work on the Executive.
- Carole Toy for her work on Care.
- Marlene Krebs on Literacy, Arlene Fish and Lindsay Anderson for the student Community Award.
- Sandi DeBoer for her work on the annual Picnic.
- Dianne Wiege for looking after the 50/50.
The Luncheon was excellent and very much enjoyed by everyone.
We would like to thank Maureen Lachnit for attending our luncheon.
The Branch raised $2900 for the Safe Houses for Women in Salmon Arm and Revelstoke.