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Northern – 2024 Volunteer Hour Survey

Branch News |

Our Volunteer Hour Representative, Donna Zellman, would like to remind everyone to submit your volunteer hours for 2024. Last year we had 35 members submit their hours and as a result we received $700, which we in turn donated to two local charities, The Salvation Army and the PG Hospice House. Let’s keep up the pace and see if we can donate even more.

Submit your volunteer hours through our survey

Our Branch will receive $20 to be donated to local charities AND you get a chance to receive $1000 for your charity or charities!

Your hours will benefit our Branch and community

During this past year, if you volunteered a lot or even a little, you can help make a difference in your community by participating in our survey. Just estimate how much time you’ve given over the past year to help others outside your household. They can be regular or one-time activities. Every hour counts and even if you only have a few, our Branch will benefit.

Our volunteer hour total is an important record of the amazing contributions of time our members give to help keep Power Pioneers, local charities, community organizations and our communities thriving.

How the survey works:

  • Our branch receives $20 per Branch member who submits volunteer hours
  • The survey requires your name, branch and total estimated volunteer hours for 2024
  • If you have a couple membership and you share an email ID, then please respond for you and your spouse
  • If your couple membership has different emails registered, you will each receive your own survey and can reply separately
  • Funds raised through the survey will be disbursed to the Branches in the spring
  • Our Branch will then donate to selected local charities
  • All participating members have a chance to receive $1000 to donate to a B.C. charity/charities of their choice
  • The winner will get the tax receipt

What counts as volunteer hours? Here are some examples:

  • Helping someone who may be isolated: phone calls, visits, texts, Zooms or emails to maintain contact and support them
  • Shopping for a neighbour who is unable to get to the grocery store, shovelling snow off their walkway or raking leaves
  • Things you do, that you are not paid for, that help to support your neighbours, family, friends and community
  • Volunteering for charities and non-profits in your communities
  • Volunteering for Power Pioneers to keep our organization running throughout the year


When you submit your volunteer hours through our survey, our Branch will receive $20 to be donated to local charities plus you get a chance to win $1000 for your charity or charities!

Important: look for the submit button after completing the survey. Click this button in order for your survey to be registered.

The deadline to respond is Friday, January 31, 2025.

You can start by clicking the ”Take the Survey” link here, just click on this line.

Thank you for supporting your communities through your time.
