Nominations are being accepted for our upcoming election of officers for the next term which will be held at our March 11, 2025 luncheon meeting. We need members to be involved and active in the running of our Northern Branch, so we ask you to consider stepping forward for nomination of a position.
Branch Executive and Committee job descriptions
The President/Provincial Director is elected by the membership and is responsible for:
- providing leadership and direction to the Branch with support of the Branch Executive
- preparing, in conjunction with the Treasurer and Branch Executive, an annual budget
- appointing Committee and Project Chairs
- chairing executive and luncheon meetings
- having joint signing authority with the Treasurer and Vice President in all financial matters of the Branch
- ensuring all Branch records are maintained in conjunction with the Branch Secretary
- the role of the President is assumed for a two-year term with an election each year
- acting as representative/Director of the Branch with the Provincial Power Pioneers Association
- attending the Annual General meeting of the Provincial Association
The Vice President is elected by the membership and is responsible for:
- assisting the President in all responsibilities
- acting on the President’s behalf in their absence
The Secretary is elected by the membership and is responsible for:
- attending Branch Executive and luncheon meetings
- taking minutes of the meetings
- distributing minutes to the Branch Executive
- maintaining an historic file of all Branch minutes and correspondence
The Treasurer is elected by the membership and is responsible for:
- receiving all incoming funds for the Branch
- issuing cheques on receipt of invoices and expenses against the Branch
- having joint signing authority, in conjunction with the President and Vice President, of all cheques relating to Branch business
- preparing a monthly financial report for the Branch Executive
- assisting the President in preparation and monitoring of an annual budget
- maintaining an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements of the Branch
- preparing an annual financial report for the Provincial Power Pioneers Association
The Past President assumes their position and is responsible for:
- continuing to act in an advisory capacity to the Branch Executive
The Membership Manager is responsible for:
- receiving cash and cheque payments for membership dues from renewing or new incoming members
- tracking the membership dues paid online to ensure receipt of payment from Provincial Office
- downloading and monitoring membership reports for upcoming membership renewals and lapsed memberships
- submitting all received monies with an accounting of dues collected to the Branch Treasurer
- notifying Branch Executive of new members
- ensuring new members are introduced and welcomed at luncheon meeting
The Publicity Manager is responsible for:
- taking the training for the new Admin system and MailPoet
- learning how to post Events and News and send newsletters using MailPoet
- creating Events, News, and Newsletters from the website.
The Committee Chairs are a member of the Branch Executive Committee and responsible for:
- assisting in developing a mandate for the committee in consultation with the Branch Executive
- recruiting suitable volunteers to participate as members of the committee
- presenting periodic progress reports, including budget updates to the Branch Executive
- preparing information and updates for communication to members via the Branch Publicity Manager
- these roles will vary Branch to Branch and interested volunteers should contact the Branch President for more information
The Care Committee is responsible for:
- receiving notice of ill or deceased members
- sending appropriate sympathy cards to ill members or family of deceased members
- arranging for hospital or home visits where possible and when appropriate
- providing member status reports at Branch Executive meetings
The Caring Crafts Committee is responsible for:
- working with Provincial Caring Crafts Chair and Branch Committee to determine what items are needed for donation to charities for Provincial projects and local Branch initiatives
- coordinating with Branch volunteers to collect handcrafted items for donation to BC Children’s Hospital and local charities
- providing update reports to Branch Executive on current activities and expected needs
- providing an annual report to the Provincial Caring Crafts Chair
The Literacy Committee is responsible for:
- overseeing the fundraising, collection and storage of donated books from members
- ensuring donated books are appropriate/suitable for donation
- arranging for donations of cash and cheques for books to be deposited by Branch Treasurer
- working with the Branch Executive to arrange for suitable charities or schools to donate books
- keeping a record of funds raised and number of books collected for Branch Executive
The Volunteer Hours Coordinator is responsible for:
- promoting the value and benefit of tracking Volunteer Hours to Branch members during the year
- encouraging Branch members to complete the annual Volunteer Hours survey
- receiving a summary of the Branch Volunteer Hours submissions from the Provincial Association and reporting this information to the Branch Executive
- providing annual volunteer hours summary and funds received for Branch donations to the Branch Executive
The Community Service Award Committee is responsible for:
- organizing a selection committee consisting of at least two to three members depending on the number of applications to judge
- reviewing the candidate submissions in accordance with the Power Pioneers Community Service Award criteria
- consulting with another Branch if an award is combined with another area
- informing the Provincial Chair of the recipient by due date so that the appropriate presentation package can be prepared and emailed
- notifying recipient and arranging for presentation of award and media coverage where possible
- taking photos of recipient or requesting a photo from recipient
- ensuring parent/guardian signs the photo consent form
- notifying Branch Publicity Manager for Branch and Provincial eNewsletters
The Heritage Fair Committee is responsible for:
- working with the Provincial office to contact the local Heritage Fair Coordinator to confirm how we can volunteer in a meaningful way at the event, this may include:
- assisting the judging committee, judging projects specific to the Power Pioneers award relating to the history of BC Hydro and predecessor companies and/or presenting the book part of the award
- attending the Awards Ceremonies to present the Award
- ensuring a picture or pictures are taken of the recipient(s) and presenter
- ensuring parent/guardian signs the photo consent form
- arranging for photos for Publicity Manager for Branch and Provincial eNewsletter
The Science Fair Committee is responsible for:
- working with the Provincial office to contact the local Science Fair Coordinator to confirm how we can volunteer in a meaningful way at the event, this may include:
- assisting the judging committee, judging projects specific to the Power Pioneers award relating to BC Hydro and predecessor companies and/or related topics involving electricity, power generation and the transmission of electricity.
- attending the Awards Ceremonies to present the Award
- ensuring a picture or pictures are taken of the recipient(s) and presenter
- ensuring parent/guardian signs the photo consent form
- arranging for photos for Publicity Manager for Branch and Provincial eNewsletter
The Small is Mighty (SIM) Committee is responsible for:
- coordinating the annual Campaign for their Branch by working with the Provincial SIM Chair and Committee
- championing the Campaign and communicating key messages and working with the Branch Executive and Publicity Manager
- handling any cash or cheque donations (most donations will be made online by the donor)
- working with the Branch and Provincial SIM Committee in setting up an event if appropriate
- promoting the SIM Gear Store Collection (online store, proceeds to the Campaign)
- assisting members and other potential donors with questions and donations in a timely manner
- liaising with the Provincial SIM Chair as needed
The Program/Events Committee is responsible for:
- determining suitable program presentations or alternative outings and events for the monthly luncheon meetings or other dates as needed
- contacting presenters and arranging for AV, presentation time and date at proposed luncheon meeting
- organizing outings and events as required and providing information to Branch Executive and Publicity Manager for promotion and updates to members
- requesting suggestions from members for program topics, outings and other activities of interest to members
The Lunch/Social Committee is responsible for:
- selecting the luncheon meeting location with support and input from Branch Executive
- choosing the menu and confirming costs for the monthly luncheon meetings with input from Branch Executive
- notifying the caterer of the number of members attending the luncheon meetings
- arranging for the sale of 50/50 tickets as needed
- submitting all received monies and itemized expenses with an accounting to the Branch Treasurer
The Christmas luncheon planning includes:
- working with the Branch Executive to plan and carry out the annual Christmas luncheon
- notifying the Provincial Office of full luncheon details for Provincial mail out and eNewsletters to all retirees
- notifying the Outreach/Phone Committee to provide details to the membership if needed
- receiving an invoice from the caterer and forwarding to the Branch Treasurer and Provincial Office for payment