BC Hydro Power Pioneers Northern Branch Meeting Minutes – February 11, 2025
Prepared by Karen Beeson for Pat Dool
- 26 members in attendance
- Prior to the luncheon Al Beeson announced the birthdays and anniversaries for February.
- The minutes for the November 12, 2024 meeting were posted in the Fog Horn and additional copies were circulated prior to the luncheon.
Al Beeson, President called the meeting to order following the luncheon.
- Called for a motion to accept the November 12, 2024 Minutes as posted and circulated. Neil Weller moved acceptance of the minutes, Tim Thompson 2nd AIF/C
- Terry Receveur, Treasurer, presented the financial report. General account $3,103.29; Entertainment account $636.15 for a total of $3739.29 Mike Smith moved acceptance of the report, Neil Weller 2nd AIF/C
- There was a general discussion on some of the major banks closing their teller stations and it appears are going to on-line banking only. We have not received any notice of Integris going this route; however they will be discontinuing any in-person banking at the downtown branch on 6th
Committee Reports
- Care: Elaine Hauck reported that she made two contacts. A Get Well card was sent to Larry Primus
- Lifestyle: Donna Zellman advised that a total of 43 persons from the Northern Branch have submitted volunteer hours that will bring in $860.00 for donations to charities of our choice. This also qualifies those members to be part of the Provincial draw to win an additional $1000.00 for donations.
- Publicity: Rudy Zellman reported that he has posted the job descriptions for the Executive positions in the latest Fog Horn. He also advised that both him and Dave Conway made the donations of winter wear collected at the Christmas Luncheon to St Vincent de Paul
- Membership: Nancy Thurier reported that all memberships are up to date. She also advised that she will not be letting her name stand in the elections/volunteer positions in 2025.
- Community Service Award: Bryan Tuson, not in attendance.
- Science Fair: Tim Thompson, reported that the fair will be held on March 8, 2025 at 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
- Heritage Fair: Colleen Krys, not in attendance, but has advised that she will not be letting her name stand for this position in 2025
- Caring Hands & Literacy: Gail Thompson, reported that donations of books and premie toques were made to the Children’s ward by Gail, Tim, Karen and Alan
- Small is Mighty: Pat Dool, no report for this meeting.
Old Business
- Alan advised that he is still working on getting a guest speaker from Northern Health.
- Rudy advised that Hydro has made a change to the coverage for retirees as of 2025. There is still the $250.00 coverage but it can now be used for general medical coverage that can include eye glasses, chiropractor visits etc. and is not dedicated only to dental. This change will now allow retirees to apply to the Federal Dental coverage plan (restrictions for qualifying for the Federal plan still apply)
- Received a thank you card from PG Hospice Palliative Care society for our Branch’s donation of $500.00
New Business
- Rudy Zellman reviewed the four executive positions as well as a brief outline of the volunteer positions that will be coming up for election at the March meeting. If anyone was interested in putting their names forward or had any additional questions to contact him by March 11th
- Al Beeson, discussed Miracle Theater’s up-coming shows. The owners are taking the proceeds of their productions and establishing a foundation to support seniors in Prince George. They have raised approximately $100,000.00, their goal is $200,000.00. If anyone is interested in attending these productions tickets are $39.50 and can be purchased at Books and Company.
- Wendy Smith advised that there is a new exercise and fitness program called Wy’s Rebounding https://www.facebook.com/people/Wys-Rebounding/61571328386717/?_rdr that is very good and easy for everyone including seniors. The person introducing this program will be putting on a demonstration at the Hart Seniors in the near future.
- Rudy Zellman advised that Bob Gammer has offered to conduct a tour of the Site C Dam in June 2025. 12 people at this meeting indicated that they would be interested. Rudy is going to look into options for travelling to Fort St. John. This is scheduled for further discussion and planning.
- Judy Clarke won the luncheon draw; Neil Weller won the 50/50, each Elaine Hauck and Nancy Thurier won a box of Valentines chocolates
Tim Thompson moved that the meeting be adjourned.