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Northern – May 2024 Meeting Minutes

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BC Hydro Power Pioneers Northern Branch Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Prepared by Pat Dool, Secretary. There were 28 members in attendance

Al Beeson, President acknowledged May birthdays and anniversaries, followed by lunch.

Al called the meeting to order at 12:35 and asked someone to move acceptance of the minutes
of April 9 th meeting as circulated. Rudy Zellman moved the minutes be accepted and Bryan
Tuson seconded, AIF/Carried

Terry Receveur, Treasurer, presented the Financial Report as of April 30, 2024 balanced with
the Credit Union. General Acct $3807.76 Entertainment Acct $435.15 $35 Float is included in
the General Acct . Terry moved acceptance of his report and Sylvia Gilgan seconded, AIF/C

Committee Reports:

CareElaine Hauck advised she will get a mailing address and send a card to Rae Daggitt’s

Volunteer HoursDonna Zellman reports that 35 members reported 5100 volunteer hours and
we should receive a cheque in the amount of $700.00 soon. Al mentioned we will likely add
$300.00 to make $1000.00 to donate to two local charities, to be decided, as we’ve done in the

PublicityRudy Zellman reports the Newsletter on-line is working well and that he mails out 4
hard copies to members who do not have computers/email addresses.

MembershipNancy Thurier, absent – no report

Small is Mighty CampaignPat reports May is giving month to BC Children’s Hospital and
explained how to donate under our Northern Group/in her name on-line. So far $250.00 has
been donated online and $25.00 cash was collected at todays meeting, that will be donated
anonymously online.

Community Service AwardsBryan Tuson reports a winner was selected and the second
application was forwarded to provincial for a second round of judging. Bryan is just waiting for
the certificate from Rob Kikkert.

Science FairTim Thompson absent – this event was completed March 9 th for this year.

Heritage FairDan and Coleen Krys absent – Al reports he and Rudy took part and of the 50
applicants/entries none of which met our criteria this year.

Caring HandsGail Thompson reports nothing till Christmas again

Old Business: Al reminded us of the BCHPP Jamboree Cruise in September

New Business:
Financial update – according to our bylaws there should be two signatures on any cheques
issued. The Treasurer, President, VP and Secretary are to have signing authority. Changes
done a month ago set this up with the Credit Union, still to be done – remove PP and add
Al asked for ideas for our June luncheon as it is usually “off-site” with no formal meeting. Al also
mentioned as of September we will have to decide if we are staying at Nellies Banquet Room or
going to another location. He and Karen did a test run at ECRA on 10 th Ave, the meal is
reasonable and there is good access, plenty of parking and they could put up a divider so we
could conduct a meeting in privacy. We are tentatively scheduled to have our September lunch
meeting there. Terry Receveur reported back that the Elks are not able to accommodate our
Al mentioned that our summer BBQ is in the planning stages and the Thompson’s have been
kind enough to offer their home/yard as a place to meet, once again!

Leisure Activites: Lunch $ won by Brian St Germain and 50/50 draw of $50.00 won by Neil/Deb

Meeting was adjourned at 12:55 moved by Donna Zellman and seconded by Gail Thompson

Next meeting scheduled for June 11 th at 11:30 am Location/Place TBA
