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Northern – October 2024 Meeting Minutes

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BC Hydro Power Pioneers Northern Branch Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Prepared by Karen Beeson, standing in for Pat Dool, Secretary. There were 26 in attendance.

Al Beeson, President welcomed everyone and acknowledged the October birthdays and anniversaries.

Al called the meeting to order at 12:35 and asked for acceptance of the previous meeting minutes as
circulated in the Fog Horn News Letter, Tim Thompson moved to accept 2nd by Maggie Stoner. AIF/C

Terry Receveur, Treasurer presented the Financial Report; General Account $4365.21. Entertainment
Account $543.50 for a Balance of $4908.71 Terry moved to accept, 2nd by Dan Gilgan. AIF/C

Committee Reports:

CareElaine Hauck – Nothing to report at this time

Volunteer HoursDonna Zellman was not in attendance but Rudy advised that there was nothing new to report at this time however we still need to determine where monies for volunteer hours should be donated.

PublicityRudy Zellman – reported that he has received some feedback on the new format for the on-line newsletter. Some folks do not find it user friendly. He will be taking this up with the provincial committee.

MembershipNancy Thurier – reported that there are still on-going problems with accessing the
membership list. This will be addressed at the AGM

Small is MightyPat Dool was not in attendance. No report

Community Service AwardsBrian Tuson, completed for this year.

Science FairTim Thompson – nothing to report, completed for this year.

Heritage FairColeen & Dan Krys – absent no report, completed for this year.

Caring HandsGail Thompson – reminder we will be accepting donations for toques preemies and
books for the Children’s Ward at the Christmas Luncheon

Old Business: Guest speaker scheduled for today had to cancel. They will be rescheduled for the
meeting in November.

New Business:
1) Mark your calendars for December 6th Christmas Luncheon at the Coast Hotel. Rudy advised
that there is a new catering serviced this year but the costs remain the same: $25.00 each for
members and $50.00 for non members. More details will be available in the November newsletter.
2) Charitable donations have been reviewed by the executive and a motion was made to include
the $700.00 received from the Volunteer Hours programs topped up with $300.00 from our own
funds to be split $500.00 to Rotary Hospice House and $500.00 to the Salvation Army. Mike
Smith moved to accept, 2nd by Brian Tuson. AIF/C

3) Al Beeson asked for additional suggestions for invitations to BC Hydro Management re:
attendance at the Christmas Luncheon.

Leisure Activities: 50/50 draw of $25.00 won by Mike Smith and lunch won by MarilynTuson.
Additional gift draws won by Peter Stoner and Wendy Laluk.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM by Tim Thompson, 2nd by Mike Smith.

Next meeting to be held Tuesday, November 12th at 11:30 at Nellie’s Pub Banquet Room with guest speaker rescheduled.
