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Northern – September 2024 Meeting Minutes

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BC Hydro Power Pioneers Northern Branch Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Prepared by Pat Dool, Secretary.

There were 20 in attendance, including 3 new members, Wendy Laluk & Jim Trimble as well as Martin Conrad and a guest member Gordie Klassoff from Nanaimo.

Al Beeson, President, welcomed everyone and circulated the minutes of the May 14th meeting.
Al also acknowledged September birthdays and anniversaries. We had a good pizza lunch!

Al called the meeting to order at 1:15 and asked for acceptance of the previous meeting
minutes, Bryan Tuson moved to accept 2nd by Rudy Zellman, AIF/C

Terry Receveur, Treasurer, presented the Financial Report; General Account $4101.96
Entertainment Account $518.15 for a Balance of $4620.11 as of August 3, 2024 (BEEM)

Committee Reports:

CareElaine Hauck – absent no report. Al mentioned speaking with Annette Hamilton – hello
to all!

Volunteer HoursDonna Zellman – nothing new to report at this time.

PublicityRudy Zellman – nothing new to report, encouraged members to red on-line

MembershipNancy Thurier -absent no report (she sent updated membership list September
4th .

Small is MightyPat Dool – reports our 2024 donation total was $625.00 Thanks to all! Pat
also mentioned for anyone interested the Prince George Public Library is having their annual
Fall Book Sale on October 18 and 19 at the Main Branch.

Community Service Award – Brian Tuson reports the College Heights Secondary School
student was very pleased to receive the award – see full story in the latest Newsletter on-line.

Science FairTim Thompson – nothing to report, completed for this year.

Heritage FairColleen & Dan Krys – absent no report, completed for this year.

Caring HandsGail Thompson – nothing to report at this time.

Old Business: None

New Business: Mark your calendars for December 6th Christmas Luncheon at the Coast Hotel
and we will have a guest speaker from Northern Health at our next meeting.

Leisure Activities: 50/50 draw of $25.00 won by Roxanne Receveur and lunch won by Linda
Siemens. Two draws were held for a backpack/bag, Wendy Laluk and Bryan Tuson won

Meeting adjourned at 1:25 by Tim Thompson

Next meeting to be held Tuesday, October 8th at
11:30 at Northwood Inn Banquet Room
