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SIPP November News

Branch News |

Hi Everyone!

If you think we’ve stepped back in time this month… it’s because we have…. this is the way we used to send out the newsletters – as an attachment to the email. (Thanks Forbes for reminding me we can do this again… hopefully for this time only.)  The reason being – our webmaster (my hubby) Stew is in hospital, so we don’t have anyone to put it on the website – and unfortunately even though I sat in on those website classes – it was not my hat to wear – so I didn’t do any hands on! or pay close attention as to how to do it!!
So….  I am attaching your November news so you can have it now.  It will appear on the website as soon as Stew is home and is able.
Our CHRISTMAS GALA is only 13 days away, (Tuesday, Dec 3rd) so hopefully you’ve made your reservation.  If you haven’t reserved and paid, but you want to come….  please call or email me.  It is a pre-register and pre-pay event.
Enjoy your branch news!