It was great to see so many for our September luncheon! The room was filled with lots of chatter and laughter, so if you missed it, we hope to see you next month, mark your calendars for October 10th. The plans are in the works for our Christmas extravaganza, and that’s one you definitely don’t want to miss. I will be sending out the registration forms soon with complete details and deadlines, but in the mean time, Dec 7th should be on your calendar for this Merry Ho Ho Ho event.
A little reminder, that Vancouver does send out a 90 day notice of your membership expiring. (Also a 60 and 30 day). Our branch does calendar year renewals, so when I send out the Christmas Dinner forms, I will also be sending you the renewal forms for your 2024 membership. So at the end of September the power pioneer website system automatically sends a membership expiring soon reminders, so don’t panic, you’re all good to the end of December. Once you receive your renewal form from me, I will be asking that everyone please renew before the end of November.
When receiving your Christmas dinner registration and your membership renewal forms, you have the option to send me a combined payment for both! and there will be a box at the October and November luncheons to drop your payments off.
We had an excellent turnout for September luncheon… lets see if we can top that in October!
Enjoy the September news letter. Sept. 2023 News letter
See you next month!