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South Interior Power Pioneers March 2024 News Letter

Branch News |
Happy St. Patricks Day!

We’ve all been busy getting our Christmas Party set – it’s nine months away I know – but we’re planning! and booking!   Details in the newsletter!

Have you had time to check out the new website?  It’s more user friendly (we think!) and we hope you take a few minutes and check it out.  If you have any technical issues on signing in give Stew a call.  I think there is easier access to the photo gallery as well,  and because I have a computer full of photos from the past twenty? years, I’m hoping to start filling up the S.I. Branch area with memories from the “by gone days”.

My chat with our  new chef – Deep – keeps surprising us with different meals and he says he’s going to give us something different each month, so we hope you’ll come for lunch in April to see what he dishes up for us next time!

Enjoy your branch news….


SIPP News 2024-03 March
